Magnific has once again found a new growth point. This time, they have launched a Photoshop plugin that allows users to directly use their image enlargement and other features within Photoshop.
This plugin is undoubtedly tailored specifically for Photoshop users, especially the professional ones who are usually more open to paying for services. The perfect combination of scenarios is commendable for Magnific's precise layout.
Below is a detailed tutorial on how to use the Magnific PS plugin:
1. Simply click to install the Magnific plugin for Photoshop from the Adobe Store
Plugin Address:
2. After installing the Magnific plugin, you can easily manage it from Adobe Creative Cloud. No more hassle in searching for plugins; everything is well-organized.
3. Even better, the Magnific plugin is just a click away in the "Plugins" menu within Photoshop. It's as simple and quick to use as built-in Photoshop features.
4. (Optional) You can also consider adding it to the vertical toolbar for an even more intuitive experience.
When you use it for the first time, you will be prompted to log in to your Magnific account. This way, you can seamlessly switch between the Photoshop and Magnific web versions. If you refresh Magnific in PS, it can immediately sync your high-end operations in PS, allowing your creativity to flow seamlessly.
5. Magnific's upscale feature creates an intelligent object in Photoshop. This means the enlarged image maintains the same size as the original, but if you double-click the layer, it will display the entire image in a new tab.
The Magnific PS plugin is a great boon for Photoshop users. It not only simplifies the image processing process but also enhances work efficiency. Don't hesitate; give this magical plugin a try and make your design work even more intuitive!